Meet Alex Evans, PharmD, MBA

Owner, entrepreneur, and health enthusiast.

Alex is one of the Co-Founders of

Meet Alex Evans, PharmD, MBA

I am a pharmacist, community pharmacy consultant, and medical writer with over 12 years of clinical practice experience in community, outpatient health system, long term care, and academic settings. I am also the founder of, a website dedicated to the success of community pharmacy.

As a pharmacy project manager, I led the implementation of new service lines, assist with ensuring legal and third-party compliance for over 70 retail stores, lead quality improvement and medication safety initiatives, write policies, procedures, and best practices for all our retail sites, and help with optimizing revenue cycle and pharmacy profitability. I have been responsible for DMEPOS and vaccine accreditation through CMS, obtaining new licenses and permits, and implementing a prescription drug kiosk embedded in our physician offices.

As a medical writer, my work has been featured in GoodRx, Pharmacy Times, Drug Topics, Patient Care Online, and in peer-reviewed journals. I have also given presentations on a range of topics, from disease state pharmacotherapy for medical residents to updates on the CDC vaccine storage and handling guidelines for a medical-grade refrigerator and freezer manufacturer. I have written and presented continuing education for CEImpact, FreeCE, AchieveCE, Ascension Health, and the Florida Department of Health.

Articles by Alex Evans

Medical articles authored by Alex Evans

7 best shoes for pharmacy staff

The 7 BEST Shoes for Pharmacy Staff [2024]

Pharmacists spend a long time on their feet, and in such a demanding environment, a good pair of shoes becomes more than just an accessory; it is a necessity. Standing on hard surfaces for extended periods can exacerbate existing lower back pain and even lead to the development of chronic conditions such as plantar fasciitis, especially without the right pair of shoes. At the end of the day it can just hurt not having a good quality pair of shoes.

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Berg Balance Calculator

Berg Balance Calculator

Discover the Berg Balance Calculator: an innovative digital tool for assessing balance and fall risks in the elderly. Learn how it compares with traditional methods like the Timed Up and Go test, its effectiveness in enhancing mobility, and why it’s a vital asset in fall prevention programs.

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Global RPh Carbo Calculator

Global RPh Carbo Calculator

Discover the benefits of the Global RPh Carbo Calculator for managing carbs in diabetes care. Learn how it aids in dietary decisions, endorsed by healthcare professionals and patients for its precision & ease. Explore real user experiences that highlight its role in enhancing health and simplifying nutritional management.

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Protein Intake Calculator

Protein Intake Calculator

Discover how to tailor your diet with the perfect protein intake using a specialized calculator. Learn the importance of accurate, personalized nutritional planning for pharmacy professionals and how to incorporate diverse protein sources into your diet for optimal health.

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FFMI Calculator

FFMI Calculator

Discover the FFMI calculator: a crucial tool for pharmacy professionals in assessing body composition and setting fitness goals. Learn its benefits, limitations, and compare top calculators like and MyFitnessPal. Plus, get practical tips on boosting FFMI through nutrition and training.

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Synthroid Dosage Calculator

Synthroid Dosage Calculator

Discover how the Synthroid Dosage Calculator simplifies thyroid medication management, ensuring accurate dosing tailored to individual needs. Learn about its benefits and limitations, and the critical role of healthcare providers and regular blood tests in optimizing treatment for thyroid conditions.

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Alligation Calculator

Alligation Calculator

Discover the crucial role of alligation calculators in pharmacy for accurate medication mixing, their wider applications, and best usage practices. Learn why careful input verification and professional consultation are essential for optimizing pharmaceutical operations and ensuring patient safety.

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Carbo Calculator

Carbo Calculator

Discover how carbo calculators transform diet planning for better weight management and blood sugar control. Learn the value of these tools for diabetics, athletes, and anyone seeking a personalized eating plan, highlighting user-friendly apps and the significance of combined health tracking for optimal results.

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Stimulant Conversion Calculator

Stimulant Conversion Calculator

Explore the role of stimulant conversion calculators in ensuring accurate dosing for ADHD meds, their crucial features for pharmacy use, and why they supplement, not replace, professional judgment for patient safety.

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BSA Calculator

BSA Calculator

Discover the critical role of BSA calculators in healthcare for tailoring patient treatments, learn about the evolution of measurement formulas, and explore best practices for using these calculators to optimize treatment regimens and improve patient care.

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EER Calculator

EER Calculator

Discover the importance of EER calculators for optimizing air conditioner energy efficiency and personalized diet plans in healthcare. Learn about their limitations, compare mobile apps vs. online tools, and uncover key features for selecting the best EER calculator, emphasizing accuracy, customization, and data security.

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Corrected Calcium Calculator

Corrected Calcium Calculator

Discover the paramount role of the corrected calcium calculator in enhancing healthcare management. This article explores its crucial function in fine-tuning calcium levels, considering serum albumin, and its broad implications across medical settings. It also delves into the limitations and necessary precautions for accurate and patient-focused care, highlighting the need for regular calibration and informed usage among healthcare professionals.

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Warfarin Dose Adjustment Calculator

Warfarin Dose Adjustment Calculator

Discover how warfarin dose adjustment calculators personalize therapy, considering genetic, dietary, and lifestyle factors. Learn about their limitations and the crucial role of clinical judgment and monitoring for safe, effective treatment outcomes.

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Blood Pressure Map Calculator

Blood Pressure Map Calculator

Discover how a blood pressure map calculator can transform your health awareness by providing accurate global readings and the importance of Mean Arterial Pressure. Learn to integrate this tool into personal and professional healthcare routines for better cardiovascular outcomes.

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Creatine Clearance Calculator

Discover how the creatinine clearance calculator can revolutionize kidney function assessment in pharmacy practice, including practical tips for accuracy and common pitfalls to avoid, ensuring better healthcare outcomes.

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Vancomycin AUC Calculator

Vancomycin AUC Calculator

Explore the shift to vancomycin AUC calculators for precise dosing in healthcare, addressing implementation challenges, training needs, and the push for personalized antibiotic therapy for better patient outcomes.

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Levothyroxine Dosage Calculator

Levothyroxine Dosage Calculator

Explore how a levothyroxine dosage calculator can enhance precision in thyroid medication management, considering factors like weight and age, and why professional judgment and patient education are vital for optimal outcomes and safety.

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AUC Calculator

AUC Calculator

Explore the indispensable tool of AUC calculators for drug effectiveness and predictive modeling in healthcare. Learn to select the right one and its applications in diagnostics and drug development for informed decisions and enhanced patient care.

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Adjusted Body Weight Calculator

Adjusted Body Weight Calculator

Discover the vital role of adjusted body weight calculators in healthcare for precise medication dosing. Learn how to select the best ABW calculator by evaluating accuracy, user-friendliness, and security features to improve patient care and maintain trust.

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Benzodiazepine Conversion Calculator

Benzodiazepine Conversion Calculator

Explore the utility of benzodiazepine conversion calculators for precise medication management, understanding their limitations and the critical role of pharmacists in ensuring optimal patient care and safety through professional judgment and expertise.

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Steroid Calculator

Steroid Calculator

Explore the intricacies of steroid calculators, including their benefits, drawbacks, and how to choose the right one focusing on accuracy, reliability, and user recommendations for enhanced pharmacy practice and patient care.

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Ideal Body Weight Calculator

Ideal Body Weight Calculator

Explore the evolution and importance of ideal body weight calculators for pharmacy professionals. This article compares web and mobile platforms, highlighting benefits, limitations, and features like BMI inclusion and personalized planning, to aid in selecting the best tool for patient-centered care.

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Anemia Calculator

Anemia Calculator

Discover how anemia calculators revolutionize patient care by providing accurate severity estimates and tailored treatment plans. Learn the best practices for both patients and healthcare providers, including choosing reliable tools and integrating them into care routines effectively.

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Map Calculator

Mean Arterial Pressure Calculator – Map Calculator

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) quantifies the average pressure in a person’s arteries during one cardiac cycle. It’s crucial for the effective distribution of blood throughout the body, ensuring that all vital organs receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to function properly.

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Vanco Calculator

Vanco Calculator

Discover the transformative impact of Vanco calculators on medical dosages, enhancing accuracy and patient care. Explore real-world success stories, expert endorsements, and how this tool is revolutionizing vancomycin administration.

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Medical Writer III (Fact Checker)

· The Fact Checker (Medical Writer III) works closely with Medical Writers to confirm that supplied references adequately support claims being made in pharmaceutical advertising materials for US and global audiences. The Fact Checker verifies medical and other data and creates annotated reference documents that show where claims are in published sources to facilitate Veeva PromoMats project submission and Medical/Regulatory/Legal review.

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